Client App Version 4.9.1 driver install quite slow


I use 4.9.1 client App on OS X 10.14. And when I install driver, it takes about 5 minutes to finish, which was only about 1 minute before. Is it normal? And I found the size of increased from 4Mb to about 22Mb.
And every time I tried to uninstall driver, the OS X system crashed. Is there any way I can avoid the crash when uninstall?

Your reply will be very helpful, Thx!



The client/driver was made compatible with OSX 10.15 so that is the reason.

Can you email me the panic logs to mail [at] (mail[at]virtualhere[dot]com) The panic log can be found in Finder->Utilities->Console

There shouldnt be any panics unless you are trying to manually uninstall the virtualhere 1.x.x driver via the kext utilities, is that what you are doing?


Yes, I was uninstall the 1.x.x driver. I tried -y and crashed. And also I tried install 2.x.x driver using -d when there was a 1.x.x driver installed, it crashed too. I think when I install 2.x.x driver when there is a 1.x.x driver already installed, the installer will try to uninstall old driver first, and crash. Is it true? I will try again an try to get the panic logs.


And here comes another problem. I tried to install 2.x.x driver on OS X 10.15 using -d. The first time I processed -d, the OS showed a dialog immediately, told something like VirtualHere was blocked. Then I went to Security & Privacy but nothing there. There wasn't anything can be allowed. And I processed -d again, the installation finished after about 5 minutes. But still nothing to be allowed and the VirtualHere didn't work, I used kextstat and there wasn't any VitrualHere driver.


Oh sorry, finally I installed the 2.x.x driver successfully. I don't know what happened before, but it was installed after a few of reboot. I will feedback to you if I have any further problem. Thanks for your reply.


Do not silently install the osx driver becuase in 10.14.5 at the moment it wont work. Apple keeps changing osx so it requires either a security authorization in Preferences or it requires a complete reboot. You need to install the driver normally just by using the VirtualHere GUI and trying to use a device. It will then tell you what you need to do