I tried with both 10.13.6 and 10.14.6:

I bound a USB thumb drive as my "activation host" to software, for licensing. Think ilok. The software I'm using recognizes my USB thumb drive for licensing when inserted directly into the client computer. However, the software doesn't recognize the USB thumb drive when inserted in the Virtualhere server computer.

On the server computer (OSX), the USB thumb drive is recognized in the (system report -> USB -> USB Device Tree).

On the client computer, the USB thumb drive doesn't show in the device tree; however does show with ioreg in the command line, and the Virtualhere client shows and mounts the USB thumb drive.

Is Virtualhere supposed to pass the USB thumb drive in such a way as to show in the USB Device Tree?

I was under the impression that Virtualhere acts like a transparent USB bridge between computers.

Would appreciate some guidance. I tried clients with 10.13.6 and 10.14.6 with same outcome.

Thank you


That dongle wont work i dont think.