iLok Error Across Windows Clients with Server Running on Ubuntu 22.04


Thanks Michael for all the work you've done on this great piece of software.

I have VirtualHere generic server running on an Ubuntu 22.04 desktop (installed today via script) and 2 Windows 10 clients.  uhubctl for Ubuntu is installed and I've been successful at power cycling the iLok port via CLI.  And to be sure, I've added the onUnbind.088e.5036=uhubctl -l 2-1 -p 6 -a 2 (corresponding to the correct hub and port.) I'm attempting to share an iLok across both computers (not simultaneously,) but when I disconnect from one computer and try to connect on the other I get the "Cannot be shared across multiple operating systems" error.  

This is what I'm getting in the syslog when I disconnect the iLok from the vhusb client:

Apr 29 11:02:59 serverrm vhusbdx86_64[376093]: Executed "uhubctl -l 2-1 -p 6 -a 2" for onUnbind.088e.5036
Apr 29 11:02:59 serverrm vhusbdx86_64[376093]: Device 216 [088e:5036] UNBOUND from connection 2
Apr 29 11:03:00 serverrm vhusbdx86_64[376093]: Unmanaging device 216 [088e:5036]
Apr 29 11:03:00 serverrm vhusbdx86_64[376093]: Found Full speed device [088e:5036] "iLok, iLok" at address 216
Apr 29 11:03:01 serverrm vhusbdx86_64[376093]: Device 216 [088e:5036] BOUND to connection 2

Can you point me in the right direction on troubleshooting this?


I should add that I get the error only on one Win 10 computer.  

On the first, the Ilok comes up normally, but on the second I always get the sharing error.  I've shut off Virtual Here client on PC #1, restarted both server and PC #2, and I still get the sharing error on PC #2.


This is expected behavior, you must use a per-port-power switching hub.

VirtualHere will be selling USB Hubs with Per-Port-Power-Switching in the next month or so.

However in the mean time you could buy one from this list, 

The best of the list would be the MEGA4 but it has an awkward USB connection to the host and you need a usb female to male cable which is not easily purchasable since its non standard.