Virtualhere cloudhub (raspberry pi3) DHCP server active on lan

<p>I plugged a raspi 3 with the virtualhere image on it into our network yesterday.<br />
Configured it via the client with static ip and part of existing network.
<p>Got a call today from my manager asking if I had i setup a dhcp server on our network.
<p>Found out that the virtualhere image had dhcp server running on the lan interface.<br />
Found out that I could disable it via /etc/config/dhcp, and adding option ignore '1' in the lan section.
<p>Would it be possible to get an option in the client that turns dhcp off without having to ssh in and editing files manually?<br />
(Or even better, when setting static ip and part of existing network, that dhcp gets disabled automatically)


Ok that is a bug, I will fix it in the next update to the cloudhub firmware


This is fixed in 3.5.2 of the cloudhub firmware