I tried to share a common DataTraveler 2.0 USB memory from VirtualHare Linux server has virtualhare Windows 10 client and everything works.
On the contrary, using OSX server and Windows clinet the same USB memory does not work
Is there a solution to make it work also from OSX servers?
1. Is that a USB 3 drive? Which one is it? https://www.kingston.com/en/usb-flash-drives
2. What version of osx are you using?
The device is one Kingston
The device is one Kingston DataTraveler SE9-DTSE9H/16 GB PenDrive,
my operating system is OSX 10.15.7 (19H524)
the device is USB 2
the device is USB 2
OK are you running VirtualHereServerUniversal.dmg or VirtualHereServer.dmg from here https://virtualhere.com/osx_server_software ?
Use the universal one
Ok problem solved, using the
Ok problem solved, using the universal version works
Thank you very much