Sorry disks cannot be redirected via VirtualHere on a WD MyCloud NAS

I am able to establish a connection with my USB device attached to my NAS. The USB device is a USB DVD drive. I am on a Windows machine running Windows 10 64 bit and the NAS I am using is a Western Digital MyCloudEX2Ultra. When I try to use the device I get this message: "Sorry disks cannot be redirected via VirtualHere on a WD MyCloud NAS". I browsed through the forum and could not find any solutions or similar posts. I would appreciate any help or ideas. Thank you,


WD wanted me to put that restriction, in but there is no real reason for it.

If you can tell me the model of you NAS (e.g MyCloudEX2Ultra) then i can make an app build for you to enable disks to be used


The model is MyCloudEX2Ultra. Thank you for the quick reply. Is that all you need?
Thank you again.


OK download and install 4.22 beta from here


I bought one licence to use with my MyCloudEX2Ultra and when I try to connect with my mac(Mojave 10.14.6 ) on the same network I only get ..

"Sorry disks cannot be redirected via VirtualHere on a WD MyCloud NAS"

I have tried everything without any success :(.

can you please give me a hand?


Actually i ended up just putting a version here which allows disks to be used so you can just download and install that, and if it says it doesn't have a license just put in your license key again.