ASTRO HD Camera on VH server on RaspberryPi 2 Model B - streams with artefacts


I am using:

vhusbdarm server on RaspberryPi 2 Model B, Linux raspberrypi 5.4.51-v7+
huit64 client on Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS

I am testing how well a HD camera would stream from RPi to Ubuntu:

In proprietary video software (Cheese) I am getting black screen.
In Chromium, I am getting a heavily artefacted stream.

Checking webcam directly on RPi (not using Virtual Here):

In Chromium, I am getting a steady, albeit a very slightly delayed video.

Is this a vhusbdarm issue that would be fixed by using VirtualHere USB Server Optimized for Pi2?
Is it a mere RPi 2 computing power issue that would be fixed by getting a newer version of RPi?
Is it possibly a different VH related issue?

An educated guess is enough for the answer.



Yes most definitely you should use a pi4. They are the same price as the pi2 and much more powerful and suitable for video streaming via virtualhere. You just need the 1GB version as virtualhere doesn't use much memory.