Autostart by init.d on OpenWRT 15.05, failing

I have a GL-AR300M running OpenWRT 15.05 and working flawlessly with virtualhere server for MIPS.
My problem is that I can't autostart it on boot, I've followed the FAQ on here , downloaded the correct script (vhusbdpin) and changed the line from vhusbdarm to vhusbdmips.
When trying to do start or enable (/etc/init.d/vhusbdpin start or enable) says that /lib/init/ not found neither /lib/lsb/init-functions

Anyone know how to resolve it?
I've tryied to comment those lines but then it fails in something about logging.



You've sent me multiple emails.

Is there something stopping you researching the link i posted in the previous post?

Its not my job to teach you linux. If you cant be bothered reading and learning about linux to do what you want to do it, virtualhere may not be suitable for you.