Using "IgnoredBuses" on Windows based server

I'm wanting to hide a particular usb dongle from the VH list.

I can't use the "Ignore" option as there is another dongle of the same hardware type and i don't want this one hidden - so was thinking about using the "IgnoredBuses" option.

Any pointers of the format for specifying the Bus to ignore - the example in the FAQ for the RaspPi doesn't seem to be directly applicable to a Windows based server. Additionally, any pointers on how to identify the Bus to ignore?



OK i will have to add this for windows, can you tell me if the devices have a different serial number? In the virtualhere client right click on the dongle and select Properties. If it has a serial number it will list it. I'll change the ignore to be qualified by serial number also


Is there any update to this feature as I too am interested? I have 1 server providing multiple USB devices that are the same and I need clients to access only particular ones.


@flysquid: you need to use a ClientAuthorization script discussed here because that will allow you to deny specific users specific devices. Stop and exit the virtualhere for windows server. then edit the server config.ini file and add this line

clientAuthorization=C:\Users\auth.bat "$VENDOR_ID$" "$PRODUCT_ID$" "$CLIENT_ID$" "$CLIENT_IP$" "$PRODUCT_SERIAL$" "$PASSWORD$" "$DEVPATH$" "$NICKNAME$" "$NUM_BINDINGS$"

Then in auth.bat use the arguments passed in to allow or not allow certain users to access devices.


rem Example script for performing basic user authorization for virtualhere
rem Also includes a simple password protection mechanism for accessing a device
rem Return 2 if the user needs to provide a password (or the password is incorrect) to use the device
rem Return 1 if the user is allowed to access this device
rem Return 0 if the user is not allowed to access this device
rem Parameters are passed in as:
rem %1 = VENDOR_ID
rem %2 = PRODUCT_ID
rem %3 = CLIENT_ID
rem %4 = CLIENT_IP
rem %6 = PASSWORD
rem %7 = DEVPATH
rem %8 = NICKNAME

echo "Authorizing -> '%1' '%2' '%3' '%4' '%5' '%6' '%7' '%8' '%9'" > output.txt

rem Now look in output.txt to see what its passing you and use that to allow/disallow users and devices