Generic vhusbdarm on Raspberry Pi 3

Hello all, from a new user of VirtualHere and a new member of the forum.

I've just installed the generic version of vhusbdarm onto a Raspberry Pi 3 with the latest version of Raspbian Jessie Lite as the O/S. I'm experimenting to see whether I can use a VH USB server based on a Pi 3 as a means of interfacing to a radio receiver that will be 'remoted' via a wireless LAN bridge from my amateur radio operating position and controlled from an app running on a Windows PC at the operating position. The Pi 3 is headless, and ultimately will be unattended, so all access to it is done over the LAN using SSH from puTTY running on the Windows 7 PC.

Although I'm very much a Linux novice, the installation of vhusbdarm on the Pi 3 seemed to be straightforward and successful so I now want to get the VH USB server to auto-start whenever the Pi 3 boots. I believe that Raspbian Jessie is a systemd-based O/S so I followed the instructions for auto-starting on, for example, a Beaglebone. I created the /etc/systemd/system/virtualhere.service text file as per the instructions and then executed the systemctl commands but as far as I can tell the VH USB server doesn't appear to be running on the Pi 3 after a reboot.

When I run the VH client on the Windows 7 PC it doesn't find the 'Raspberry Hub' until after I've entered 'sudo ./vhusbdarm -b' on the Pi 3 via the command line. The client then finds the hub and I've subsequently confirmed that a USB memory stick plugged into one of the Pi 3's USB ports can be accessed from the WIndows 7 PC so that's definitely a good step in the right direction!

I'll be most grateful if someone can give me an explicit set of instructions of how to get the VH USB to auto-start on a Raspberry Pi 3 running Jessie Lite - I can follow instructions but my limited knowledge and experience of Linux means that I can't figure it out for myself!

Also, I'll be grateful if someone can tell me how to get the 'vhuit32' Linux client GUI to run on a PC with Linux Mint installed (another part of my experimentation!). I've downloaded the client but can't figure out how to get the GUI to run!

Many thanks in advance,



to get the client running do this

chmod +x ./vhuit32
sudo ./vhuit32

to get the server running on startup you need to use the init.d based method, not the systemd method.

In reply to by Michael


Thanks Michael, I've (hopefully!) removed all the systemd-related stuff I did - I've deleted the virtualhere.service file and done 'systemctl disable virtualhere' - and I've also followed the instructions for init.d. Now, when I reboot the Pi 3 the client on the Win 7 PC seems to find the Raspberry Hub immediately and using htop on the Pi 3 shows that several processes called '/usr/sbin/vhusbdarm -b -c /root/config.ini' are running and when I attached a USB sound device to the Pi 3 it gets detected by the Win 7 PC so I guess everything is working although...

When I do 'sudo ./vhusbdarm -h' on the Pi 3 all I get is 'command not found' - am I missing something?

I haven't yet tried getting the vhuit32 client GUI to run using the command you suggested but I'm sure it work when I do try it!



is the vhusbdarm in the current directory? ./ means look in the current directory

i think if you followed the setup instructions the file would actually be in /usr/sbin now , not in the current directory which is probably /home/pi


Hello Michael, just a belated reply to thank you for your previous message - you were of course quite correct about why the 'sudo ./vhusbdarm -h' command didn't work. As you'd indicated the file was in /usr/bin and not in /home/pi, so the './' was the culprit. When I just entered 'sudo vhusbdarm -h' the command worked fine - blame my problem on my unfamiliarity with Linux!

I have a further, unrelated question for the form to consider but I'll start a new thread rather than extend this one.

Thanks again,
