noob question, client cant see hub

Hello all, im pretty fresh to using Rpi but have followed instructions to replicate someones setup and the client just cant see anything, im guessing something simple has been overlooked but searching im finding nothing.

I have a pi 3 b and also a first gen.
running windows 10 home on pc

installed virtual here on pi using the following code.
sudo chmod +x ./vhusbdarm
sudo mv vhusbdarm /usr/sbin
sudo chmod +x ./vhusbdpin
sudo mv vhusbdpin /etc/init.d
sudo update-rc.d vhusbdpin defaults
sudo reboot

edited config.ini to include
ReverseClients= - (client ip, i tried with port no and without)

included tick for reverse clients in client side
switched off firewalls completely

running client simply cant see anything.

any help greatly appreciated.

ps not sure how to check the current status of virtual here on pi, like if its running, stopping it and restarting it etc.



pidof vhusbdarm

Does that return anything?


hello michael,

sorry i didnt rec any notification anyone had replied.
i ran the above and got a simple reply of 486
i then re installed the program and did it again just to see and got 480
no idea what this means tho


Ok so the server i think is running on the pi. In the virtualhere client, right click USB Hubs->Specify Hubs and put in the ip address of your pi and see if it appears in the client.


nope still nothing, assuming that after the ip address i leave the :7575


Ok sorry, you will need to figure out the basics of linux more as i cannot help step-by-step for fundamental stuff. Usually you would see if the process is running then see what ip address the server is running on and then start the client and see if the server auto-finds or you might need to specify the ip address if its on another network segment.