VirtualHere Server on OSX Mojave


i upadted to OSX Mojave yesterday. Now i wanted to go to my virtual machine and connection to one of the devices connected to my Macbook.
Until the update everything was working just fine, right now i can´t use VirtualHere anymore. The Client on my virtual machine just won´t connect to the server on my Macbook even though the server says it´s "running".

Any suggestions?


Im not sure, in the virtualhere client, right click USB Hubs->Specify Hubs and put in the ip address of your server and see if it appears..


Hi Michael,
i already did that before. It was running before the Mojave update without any problems. Now it can´t connect to the server anymore. just shows the yellow dot before the configured server and won´t show any USB hubs


Ok can you telnet to port 7575 on the server? If that doesnt open the connection then you might have a firewall issue