Every new machine that I have to connect a device from requires server to restart..?

Everytime I have a new machine to connect a device I have to stop server and restart the server program. Why is this required? This is currently what holds me back from purchasing a license. If I have to restart the server everytime a new client has to connect, then it simply becomes to tedious.

Here's the problem as an example:

I have a server pc, that pc with client#1 connects to fine and without problems. Then I close the pc with client #1 and start pc with client #2. Client#2 then cant find the usb hub until I stop the server, and restart the server program.

Why is this happening?


Thats not correct.

What OS are the clients running on?
What OS is the server running on?


All are running Win10 64bit pro.

Sometimes I only have to stop and start the server and then client progeam, but usually I have to both stop the server AND close and open the server program again + restart the client.


Ok uninstall bonjour from all machine and let virtualhere install it again


I actually already did that. I had to uninstall bonjour due to a windows update. Virtual didn't work at all previously, until I read a thread here on the forums that a windows update messed up things with bonjour and it needed to be reinstalled so I did that and it ended up fixing it on all my machines. But the old problem I describe here in this thread is back again as it always has been. This has been so since I started using Virtualhere.


On the server in the virtualhere server dialog click Settings...->View Server Log->Copy to clipboard and paste into this forum. That might show some error message