Not working issue report: raspberryPi3b+TinyCoreLinux+VirtualHere Paid Version

Thank you guys so much for making such great software, I really like virtualhere, it resolved my ESXi passthrough problem without pain.
After I have it confirmed work on my RP3b with latest official Raspbian image, I just bough a license so I have unlimited devices and high performance.

Then I decide to make my VirtualHere Pi super reliable with TinyCoreLinux, which is a famous RAM OS, but unfortunately it doesn't work. I post the issue here expecting someone could help.

I'll try my best to make it clearly since I'm not a native English speaker, here's what I did.

Work like a charm: RP3b+ / vhusbdarmpi3 / Raspbian Stretch Lite(official image)
Don't Work: RP3b+ / vhusbdarmpi3 / TinyCore Stable Release(piCore 9.0.3)

Reproduce Steps:

1. Burn piCore 9.0.3 image to RPi3b+, the image could be downloaded at
2. Download vhusbdarmpi3 to /tmp folder
3. Run vhusbdarmpi3
4. Everything looks good, I can find something like "Found USB devices" in the log file
5. Run Virtualhere client, discovered the server automatically, so far so good
6. Connect and use the USB keyboard on RPi, Oh no, The whole RPi just hang, it becomes unresponsive.
7. And I'm unable to use that USB keyboard at all, I'm unable to operate on RPi at all, then the VH Hub disappeared after a few seconds in VH Client.

P.S. The USB devices I'm tring to use is Keyboard and Mouse. both of them work with raspbian OS, so I'm pretty sure they are compatible with VH.

Since TinyCore Linux is built with pretty standard Linux Kernel and I was told that VH server runs on almost all linux kernel based devices, It would be great if you guys could help me out.


I'm afraid the guy did something wrong, probably the format, partition or bootflag of the TF card specifically.
Actually 9.0.3 is the latest officially supported version on Rpi, it works out of box here, solid as a rock. (I burned the image with Etcher, which recommended by RPi)
Everything just works like a charm, including kernel、USB keyboard、HDMI display and Ethernet.
Prebuilt extensions like SSH work too, and I'm able to install packages and they work smoothly too.

And to be more specific, VirtualHere Pi3 works with tinycore 9.0.3 on RPi3B+ too, all USB devices are found and showed.
It runs perfectly until I connect the remote USB device in VH client.


Oh it's my problem.
Basically I selected "Auto-use all on this hub" in my client, and when VH servers runs on TinyCore, it doesn't filter the default ethernet "IgnoredDevices=424/ec00".
Then every time when I started VH server, the ethernet laughed in my face :(

It works so great and resolved my big server management problem. Thank you so much for all of this.


OK glad its all sorted now :)