XBox One controller

I am trying to connect 2 controllers (a generic gamepad and a xbox one gamepad). I have bought a license last week but I'm not able to connect the xbox one controller (the generic controller works fine).
I am using a rapberry pi 3 with the server specifically compiled for it and windows 10 64 bits with the client installed as a service.
The xbox one controller works fine when connected directly to the windows 10 computer.
Is virtualhere compatible with the xbox one controller ? Is there anything that I can do to have it work ?
Thank you by advance !
(sorry for my English, I am not a native speaker)


You MUST use the xbox wireless dongle for to work. You cannot plug in the xbox controller directly via usb and use it via virtualhere (not sure why there is some compatiblity issue) but if you use the wireless dongle via virtualhere and sync to that then it will work fine (including audio)


Thank you!
If I had known that, I wouldn't have bought a license since it doesn't fit my needs...


That is why there is a free trial!