Is possible that a USB server ins a Raspberry Pi can be recognized with the same Com port # by the client?

I Will use a several Rasberry Pi with the server software, and I want to know if is possible that no matter what happens (reboots, power loss, etc) the client always will have see the server on the raspberry with the same com port #.


Tried it, but every morning I check the comports are mixed and need to order it again. need a solution attached to the serial number or something like that.
anything else I can try?


VirtualHere doesn't assign com port numbers that is done by windows.

My guess is that the virtualhere client is disconnecting overnight due to some network issue *and* also your Serial Adapter does not have a "Serial number" itself so windows cant uniquely identify it and so assigns a new COM port when the connection is reestablished in the morning. All devices should have a USB "Serial Number" so they can be uniquely identified but some manufactures dont put this setting in.