Possible to install alongside Kodi/LibreELEC on Raspberry Pi 3?

As in the subject. Is there a way?
I first wanted to use over Steam Link but that seems not to work for my use condition so the other option for me could be this one.

I have some experience with Linux and shell but not that much more than following guides and moving files around maybe ^^


Sure, follow the instructions in https://www.virtualhere.com/oem_faq -> How to i start VirtualHere when my device boots? -> For systemd based systems


Thx. I tried. But things seem to be a bit different on Libreelec compared to other systems.

1. "sudo mv vhusbdarm /usr/sbin" is not possible due to read only filesystem. So I changed the path in virtualhere.service to "/storage/vhusbdarm"

But then "systemctl start virtualhere" gives me a "Failed to start virtualhere.service: Unit networking.service not found."

Here my ssh skills are ending ^^


Try removing the Requires=networking.service line and see if that resolves it.


Cool! It works!

So now I can use my Steelseries Wireless H headset as it was intended to:
Both, with my PC and my TV/AMP located in my living room =)

Many thanks!


I just tried this on a libreelec 9.2 on raspy3 i forked your script and adjusted the paths in the installation script to point to storage:


but the results are the following:

LibreELEC:~ # curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xenophobentx/script/main/in
stall_server | sh -s - vhusbdarmpi3
 % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  1106  100  1106    0     0   8640      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  8708
Connecting to www.virtualhere.com (
saving to 'vhusbdarmpi3'
vhusbdarmpi3         100% |********************************|  350k  0:00:00 ETA
'vhusbdarmpi3' saved
Error, only systemd is supported
LibreELEC:~ #

Any idea how to get this work?