Linux Client Error: Preloading Client Driver


I'm trying to run the client in a Centos 7 Container but have been unsuccessful at starting it. The current error is seen below:

Aug 6 23:58:50 SY-OpenHab journal: VirtualHere Client: VirtualHere Client 5.0.7 starting (Compiled: Jul 27 2020 12:15:36)
Aug 6 23:58:50 SY-OpenHab journal: VirtualHere Client: Client OS is Linux 5.4.44-2-pve x86_64
Aug 6 23:58:50 SY-OpenHab journal: VirtualHere Client: Using config at /root/.vhui
Aug 6 23:58:50 SY-OpenHab journal: VirtualHere Client: Error preloading client driver,

I speculate the error is related to me running a Centos LXC environment, but thought I'd check around before I looked for other OS's build on.

- 1d10terror


Can you "insmod" or "modprobe" modules in lxc? Im not sure, if so then you can probably get it to work otherwise its you need to compile the usbip drivers inside your kernel then the virtualhere client will use those drivers automatically. Its trying to modprobe them but failing. Perhaps look in dmesg and see if there is an error listed there



Thank you for speedy response and constant involvement with everyone here. Its LXC related to the VM environment I'm running, I can't pass the kernels through from the parent environment [proxmox] to the container. There appears to be some tricks to passing the kernels, but before I dig that grave I thought I'd just run the full size Centos 7 build, and it works flawlessly! After some testing this after I'll probably be picking up a license! Thank you