Multiple Nvidia Shield TV & Questions

Hello, I am going to use 2 of the Nvidia Shield TV devices (only one will be active at the same time).
My use case is: 1 PC stored away in a room (headless). I am going to use one 2 Shield TV devices (maybe 3 in the future):
1) Is my Thinclient Desktop PC where I do my work but without most of the cables and case)
2) Living Room for 99% playing Steam games remotely

Do I need 2 licenses for this?
What if the device changes, let's say due to a replacement Nvidia Shield (had it replaced one time already last year)?

With my use case above do you see any other combination which should work even better than 2 x Nvidia Shield (based on your experience)?
I guess Cloud solutions are for people who run their games from Cloud gaming rigs or stuff like connecting non-gaming devices to your NAS?
How long are you planning to run the discount on the Android version? I'd rather test a bit more before I decide (just started today)?


I think what you are saying is that you want to run your steam games on the desktop pc and view via gamestream running on the sheild

IF you are using virtualhere via steam then you can just install the virtualhere server app on both shields and then in steam settings change the virtualhere setting to use the device you need then start streaming. At this point you only need to purchase one license even if its running on two shields as valve handles the licensing between machines automatically.

If you want to use virtualhere outside of steam directly then you need two licenses. The android sale is for a while yet.


Can you elaborate a bit on "and then in steam settings change the virtualhere setting to use the device you need then start streaming".
Do you happen to refer to the Steam Store app Virtualhere as opposed to the Nvidia Shield TV app? Where would I find the mentioned settings and what do you mean by "the device you need"? It usually detects all devices anyway even if there are 2 or more connected...

Some issue I noticed was Steam detected the same controller (Switch Pro Controller) twice, means it showed up as 2 entries of Microsoft Xbox 360 controller in steam settings. Maybe it has something to do with the adapter I use (Mayflash Magic-NS).

On another note, if I happen to need a 2nd license would it be possible to buy it now even without owning the 2nd Shield TV yet (to make use of the discounted price)?
I wish there was a different licensing model since with a full connected household with one main PC and at least 2-3 clients which connect to the same single PC it is getting kind of expensive since the licensing treats the clients as server and the server as client (in terms of Virtualhere).


Install the VirtualHere server app on your shield.

Now When you run the steam app on the shield it should detect that VirtualHere is installed and provide an extra settings menu to enable you to use particular devices via virtualhere.

Do you see that extra menu option in steam?


Yes, I see the option but it's in the Nvidia Shield TV app "Steam Link" and not in "Game Stream", right? It would still require me to install the Virtualhere app (not through the Steam Store but from the Google App Store on Shield) on 2 different Shield TV boxes so wouldn't the client on PC demand a license for each of the servers separately (since it's 2 apps installed on 2 devices)?

What about my other questions? Especially interesting is the strange double detection of my Switch Pro Controller (shows up as 2 separate entries of Xbox 360, Bluetooth is OFF btw on my Shield TV), also still curious about potential hardware changes (in case of Shield TV repair/replacement).


Correct , it will be in the steam app not the gamestream app.

If it use virtualhere through steam the license will work on both shields.

If you buy virtualhere from this website the license only works on one shield so you need two licenses. Its not possible to buy a license without the shield because the serial number is not yet known.

I don't know why the switch shows up twice sorry.

If the shield breaks you need a new license for new hardware, or if you are using through steam it will already by licensed

Why is the steam/android licensing confusing? Because virtualhere was tacked on to the steam app after valve wrote their steam android app.


Thanks, I guess I will go for 2 licenses for my 2 Shields (2nd one later when I actually pick it up).

I mean replacing hardware is always a struggle for hardware ID (or S/N) licenses but it shouldn't really mean to buy another license since the old one can be deactivated (it will never be used anyway since it will be broken). You meant you'll issue a replacement license or yet another license has to be bought?