Limitations of the Client?


I am running VIRTUALHERE USB Servers on a Raspberry Pi3 (vhusbdarmpi3 v4.2.0) and on a Raspberry Pi4 (vhusbdarmpi4 v4.2.0).
The Client is a VMWare ESXi Virtual Machine on UBUNTU 20 in console mode (vhclientx86_64 V5.0.7)

Generally it is working. I can connect devices from both servers.
But when I exceed the amount of 8 devices no more devices can be connected.
I tried auto connect and connected them manually. Starting from 9th device no connection is possible.

The latency is very low (since the devices are almost serial-USB Converts.

Is this a limitation of the client? Is it possible to use more than 8 Devices? Is there a work-around?

Thanks in common!!!



The reason is by default the vhci_hcd compiled in the ubuntu kernel allows only 8 devices.

There is no easyway around this other than compiling your own kernel, see this part of KConfig specifically USBIP_VHCI_HC_PORTS bump that up to 15 and recompile everything and run that kernel


I changed the Kconfig of USBIP by rising the default from 8 to 15.
Also changed the amount of virtual controllers from 1 to 3.
And compiled als the stuff (now running kernel 5.4.55 - source used from Ubuntu src)
That did it!
I have now running 13 devices!!!
Shoud theoretical be able to connect 45 devices (15 per controller).

Thanks a lot!
