Speed of writing to iphone device

Hi Micheal

thanks for all your efforts, VH works great for sharing iphone from both Windows 10 and Ubuntu 18.04 servers to Ubuntu 18.04 client.

However, data throughput to iphone is really low, this is usbtop on vh client side (ubuntu 18.04, vh client 4.6.7)
when vh server is windows (i9-9980HK, 32GB ram) - https://youtu.be/RE6Gm7STJx8
when vh server is on linux (i5, 8GB ram) - https://youtu.be/pXMoQntqxF0

Speed of transfer To iphone never increases above 20-30kib/s

I have tried multiple iphones (7 - Xs), different cables, usb sockets, computers and internets, but writing to iphone is always slow
copying 100MB file from iphone to ubuntu client takes 7.6 seconds
copying 100MB file to iphone from ubuntu takes 1 minute and 28 seconds

For comaprisson, same setup (ubuntu client, windows server) but with android device has better time writing to device:
adb push ./100mbfile /sdcard/Download/100mbfile - 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 2.8 MB/s ( 35.711 seconds)
adb pull /sdcard/Download/100mbfile . - 1 file pulled, 0 skipped. 1.3 MB/s (78.123 seconds )

Can speed of writing to iphone over VH be increased? Without VH (pc+iphone) transfer speed is around 2-3 times better.

I tried changing CompressionLimit in servers' config.ini but it didn't help.

Thank you for your time



Its your network latency. The iphone probably uses smaller data packets (so each packet is acked which slows down the transfer) whereas android uses bigger packets so less waiting for acks. Nothing you can do except get a faster network (lower ping time :))