GL-AR300M16 - CloudHub and the google wifi

I have a microserver recognition problem.
the Google Home application that manages Google Wifi  access points, ( has the option to open ports and do NAT, but the device is not detected (the bonjour is unrecognized - also put UseAVAHI 1 in config.ini) and there is no possibility to manually enter the IP address .
Thanks for your help



Firstly, did you install cloudhub ok? Do you see the CloudHub_xxx network in your wifi ?


yes, I see the CloudHub_xxx network in my wifi and I use it.

but when I'm out of the office, I need to route ports and google wifi points can't locate the server or bonjour service on the  CloudHub software


I think what you are saying, is that that you want to forward port 7575 tcp from the cloudhub that is behind your google wifi out to the internet so you can connect to the virtualhere server outside your office? I dont know much about google wifi sorry. But usually on a normal home/office router you just forward port 7575 to the ip address that the router allocates to the cloudhub. You can usually find this ip address by just looking in the router status page




yes, I know this well, but the google wifi interface does not allow any manual action.

If it sees the server (I think via bonjour) then it activates it and allows port setup, otherwise nothing can be done.

I think google uses mDNS  for Bonjour service, but in config.ini I don't know how to set the service to a different port.

Add .local mDNS resolving to Android [140786115] - Visible to Public - Issue Tracker ( (possibe resolution of the problem? but I cant't install the package via Opkg...)



OK i dont know about google wifi sorry.

Bonjour (mdns) always runs on UDP 5353. DNS runs on UDP 53.

These ports cant be changed as they are standard


Bonjour has nothing to do with this. What service would you advertise if you setup bonjour?