Virtualhere on Windows Server without login


I installed VirtualHere on my Win2k16 Server as a Service and I am trying to passthrough an USB Printer and an USB to Serial Converter from a client Machine.

It seems to work fine as long as somebody is connected to the Server. But in the mornings or some time after I log off the administrator account we won't be able to print or to connect to the usb-converter (which should open a cash tray).

User works over Remoteapp directly on the server.

I tried to move the service from SYSTEM user to my Domain-Admin for testing but this didn't solve the problem either.


For example: I logged out at 12am for lunch, came back an hour later, didn't directly log in as I didn't have business on the server.

At about 1:15pm my collegue calls me and tells me that she can't print. As soon as I login to the server with domain admin the printer starts working.

Same behaviour with SYSTEM user.





Its almost like its powersaving or something. Also make sure you are using the latest virtualhere server and client.

When it "doesnt print" can you see the printer in the VirutalHere client and send a print job? or does nothing appear in the VirtualHere Client until you login again on the server?