Linux Server RPi #1 <-> Linux Client RPi #2 -> FAILED.

Hi Michael,
congratz for this nice and easy-to-use product and thanks for the great support here in the forum.

I wanted to do some tests with the eval license before I purchase the license, just to test how the tool is used. Some of the tests worked out really fluently, the ones "Windows server <-> Windows client" and also from "Linux server <-> Windows client". But then I wanted to test my final goal, which I want to achieve, which is "Linux server on RPi #1 <-> Linux client on RPi #2". Both programs are starting, and the attached USB-devices can also be seen with the "LIST" command on client side, but the "USE" command does always FAIL. I tried different USB devices, but none is working.

What could I've done wrong? The command line output is as following. Is there a "verbose" option or something to get more info about the root cause?

Server output:

myadmin@mypi:~/virtualhere$ sudo ./vhusbdarm
VirtualHere USB Server is CTRL-C to stop

Client output:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo ./vhclientarmhf -n
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo ./vhclientarmhf -t "LIST"
VirtualHere Client IPC, below are the available devices:
(Value in brackets = address, * = Auto-Use)

USB Hub (mypi.local:7575)
   --> USB Audio Device (mypi.local.113)
   --> 0xec00 (mypi.local.111)

Auto-Find currently on
Auto-Use All currently off
Reverse Lookup currently off
Reverse SSL Lookup currently off
VirtualHere Client is running as a service
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo ./vhclientarmhf -t "USE,mypi.local.113"
pi@raspberrypi:~ $

Thank you,
Kind regards, Harry



You need to purchase a licence to use the console client


Hi Michael,
thank you for pointing that out, I've missed that information before.
