USB devices on Rasberry Pis are not connecting


I have multiple Raspberry Pis equipped with a WiFi dongle (Edimax) and a USB sensor. All of them have the Linux USB server and Hamachi installed on them. My windows computer has the VirtualHere software installed as well. All of the Raspberry Pis are connected to the same network as my PC and running fine. The VirtualHere Deamon is present and running on all of them.
But only three out of 5 Pis are connecting when I start vhui64.exe. I added all of them with the correct Hamachi IP into "specify hubs", and "autouse all devices" is activated.
Is there a reason, why a few of them are not connecting or is it just bad luck? Or does it have anything to do with the trial version?



Okay the system log shows that there is a "select timeout". But if I ping the Pi the latency is between 10 and 30 ms. That should be more than enough. Especially because the other Pis are connected with the same or even worse latency when I ping them.


Select timeout means the IP you entered is wrong or that port cannot be opened


The IPs are all correct, checked it multiple times now. They all use the predefined port 7575. Should the port be swapped for a different one? I tried port forwarding for port 7575, but that didn't changed anything.
Raspberry Pis that were running fine yesterday with the correct IP and port 7575 are now unrecognized by the client...


OK try this, on the windows machine running the client that cannot connect, download putty.exe and open a telnet port to 7575. The virtualhere server should answer with some bytes written to the screen. If you cannot see that, virtualhere cannot communicate either.


Okay I found the problem. It is not a connection problem. The vhusb deamon doesn't start on the Raspberry Pis for some reason. Sometimes the deamon starts, sometimes not. But most of the time it does not. I have a cronjob installed for the start after reboot and did this:

sudo wget…
sudo chmod +x ./vhusbdpin
sudo mv vhusbdpin /etc/init.d
sudo update-rc.d vhusbdpin defaults

I think I found that somewhere on your website here and it works for the first two Pis I am using it at the moment. But for all the new Pis I set up this week the deamon starts only from time to time.

Any idea why?



Do this: grep vhusbd /var/log/syslog that will say why its not starting or stopping quickly after


OK just take a look at the syslog and it might say why that entire script doesnt start? Perhaps there is a spelling/formatting mistake or the script is not executable or has the wrong permissions or something... Perhaps you can put an entry in the script that says logger "script starting" or something so you can see that in the log to see if the script is being called at all.


Nope nothing I can find. After a few restarts it works most of the time. I wrote a small bash script that puts information into the syslog and if the deamon hasn't started properly, restarts the Pi until the deamon started.
That hopefully makes it work most of the time and I have more information to analyse a problem later.

Thanks for our help so far!

Now I found an error in syslog:

Jan 14 14:21:26 raspberrypi vhusbdarm[2274]: VirtualHere 2.6.7 caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault) and must exit. Sorry for the inconvenience, please contact mail@virtualhere for help


Forgot the rest of the stack:
Jan 14 14:21:26 raspberrypi vhusbdarm[2274]: Backtrace:
Jan 14 14:21:26 raspberrypi vhusbdarm[2274]: ip = 213adc, sp = 76eccb50
Jan 14 14:21:26 raspberrypi vhusbdarm[2274]: ip = 2062f0, sp = 76ecce40
Jan 14 14:21:26 raspberrypi vhusbdarm[2274]: End backtrace


OK, so running via LAN is fine but Hamachi causes the segfault. If possible can you email me at mail [at] (mail[at]virtualhere[dot]com) and ill send you a debug build of the virtualhere server so i can get a more detailed stacktrace.