exit code from auth.sh

Hello and thanks for the very useful tool!

Is the exit code from the clientAuthorization script available through the client API? Or can I assume that the "FAILED" response when a device's state == 1 is because the USE request lacked a password?


No it wont return the exit code from the API. It will just return FAILED if the password is wrong or the user is not authorized to use the device.

If you are using the GUI it will say You are not authorized to use this device if you return 0. If you return 1 it wont say anything and the device will be used. If you return 2 then the password dialog is displayed for the client to reenter their password to use the device.


I was interested because I needed a utility to communicate with a client remotely and for some reason the linux client's GUI doesn't get displayed over RDP (Ubuntu 20.04)

So, I wrote this front end to interact with a client. It makes some of the common (for me) commands easy to do from the command line with linux or windows. It probably requires a couple python modules to be installed.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from base64 import decodebytes
import ipaddress
import colorama
import sys
import os
import getpass
import platform
import getopt
import time
if sys.platform == 'win32':
    import win32pipe, win32file, pywintypes

IPCcommands = {
    '-a' : 'auto use device port,{}',
    '-s' : 'stop using,{}',
    '-u' : 'use,{}',
shortopts = 'hpAa:u:s:x:'

helptext = []
helptext.append('Usage: vhutil.py [-h -A -p -u <devnum> | -s <devnum> | -a <devnum> | -x <IPCcommand>]')
helptext.append('\tNo argument shows the list, -h shows this help.')
helptext.append('\t-u or -s uses or stops using a device. -a toggles Auto Use (indicated by **).')
helptext.append('\t is chosen from the white numbers on the left).')
helptext.append('\t-A shows the devices\' addresses, -p asks for a password to be input.')
helptext.append('\tvhutil.py -x "" is equivalent to vhui64 -t "".')
helptext.append('\tTry vhutil.py -x "help"')

wclient = r'\\.\pipe\vhclient' if sys.platform == 'win32' else '/tmp/vhclient'
rclient = r'\\.\pipe\vhclient' if sys.platform == 'win32' else '/tmp/vhclient_response'

class color:
    LM = colorama.Fore.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX
    MA = colorama.Fore.MAGENTA
    CY = colorama.Fore.CYAN
    LC = colorama.Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX
    BL = colorama.Fore.BLUE
    GR = colorama.Fore.GREEN
    LG = colorama.Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX
    YE = colorama.Fore.YELLOW
    RE = colorama.Fore.RED
    WH = colorama.Fore.WHITE
    LW = colorama.Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX
    BRIGHT = colorama.Style.BRIGHT
    UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
    END = colorama.Style.RESET_ALL

class ClientStateElement():
    def __init__(self, elementTree):
        if elementTree.attrib:
            for k,v in elementTree.items():
                #print(k, v)
                if 'boundConnectionIp' in k and v:
                    ip = decodebytes(v.encode())
                    ip = ipaddress.ip_address(ip)
                    ip = str(ip)
                    #ip = re.findall(r'[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+){3}', ip)
                    #command = 'host {}'.format(ip)
                    #proc = subprocess.Popen(command, text = True, shell = True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
                    #host = proc.stdout.read()
                    #if 'pointer' in host:
                    #    host = host.split('pointer ')[1].replace('.\n', '')
                    #    host = ip
                    setattr(self, k, ip)
                elif 'clientId' == k and v:
                    splitv = v.split() # in case clientId is just 'Username (Username)'
                    if len(splitv) > 1 and splitv[0] in splitv[1]:
                        setattr(self, k, splitv[0])
                elif k in ['idVendor', 'idProduct'] and v:
                    v = int(v)
                    setattr(self, k, "{0:0{1}x}".format(v,4))
                elif v and '=' == v[-1]:
                    setattr(self, k, decodebytes(v.encode()))
                    setattr(self, k, v)
            for i, child in enumerate(elementTree):
                tag = child.tag
                if len([a.tag for a in elementTree if tag in a.tag]) > len({a.tag for a in elementTree if tag in a.tag}):
                    tag = child.tag + '_{}'.format(i)
                setattr(self, tag, ClientStateElement(child))

class Opts():
    showAddress = False
    srvnum = 'undefined'
    IPCcommand = 'nodevcommand'
    rerunargs = []
    def __init__(self, argv):
            self.opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, shortopts)
        except getopt.GetoptError as err:
        for opt, arg in self.opts:
            if opt == '-h':
            if opt in IPCcommands: # interact with a dev
                if arg.isdecimal(): 
                    self.srvnum = int(list(arg)[0]) - 1
                    self.devnum = list(arg)[1:]
                    self.devnum = int(''.join(self.devnum))
                    self.IPCcommand = IPCcommands.get(opt, 'bad flag')
            elif opt == '-A':
                self.showAddress = True
            elif opt == '-x':
                self.srvnum = opt
                self.IPCcommand = arg
        if '-p' in [o for o,a in self.opts] and 'use' in self.IPCcommand:
            devpass = getpass.getpass()
            self.IPCcommand = 'use,{},' + devpass

def isClientRunning():
    if sys.platform == 'win32':
            isrunning = len(win32file.FindFilesW(wclient)) > 0 #throws an error if the file's not there
        except pywintypes.error as err:
            isrunning = False
    elif sys.platform == 'linux':
        isrunning = os.path.exists(wclient)
    return isrunning

def writeAndReadServer(IPCcommand):
    if sys.platform == 'win32':
        IPCcommand = IPCcommand.encode() + b'\n'
        handle = win32file.CreateFile(wclient, win32file.GENERIC_READ | win32file.GENERIC_WRITE, 
            0, None, win32file.OPEN_EXISTING, win32file.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, None)
        res = win32pipe.SetNamedPipeHandleState(handle, win32pipe.PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE, None, None)
        exitcode, buf = win32pipe.TransactNamedPipe(handle, IPCcommand, 15000, None)
        buf = buf.decode()
    elif sys.platform == 'linux':
        with open(wclient, 'w') as client:
        with open(rclient) as client:
            buf = client.read()
        exitcode = ord(buf[-1:])
        buf = buf[:-1]
    return buf, exitcode

def getClientState():
    xml, exitcode = writeAndReadServer('get client state')
    clientState = ET.fromstring(xml)
    clientState = ClientStateElement(clientState)
    return clientState

def makeServerLine(connection):
    #for k in connection.__dict__.items(): print(*k)
    line = f'  {color.LM}Server: {connection.serverName}{color.END} ({connection.hostname}.{connection.port})'
    return line

def makeDeviceLine(nickname, device, hostname, srvnum, devnum, showAddress):
    #for k in device.__dict__.items(): print(*k)
    num = int('{0}{1}'.format(srvnum + 1, devnum))
    line = f'    {num:3} {color.GR}{nickname}'
    autoUse = '' 
    if hasattr(device, 'autoUse'):
        autoUse = '' if device.autoUse == 'not-set' else '**'
    if showAddress:
        line = f'{line} {color.YE}({hostname}.{device.address})'
    if device.state == '3':
        if platform.node() == device.boundClientHostname:
            line = f'{color.BRIGHT}{line} {color.LW}(In use by you){color.END}'.replace(color.GR, color.LG)
            line = f'{line} {color.WH}(In use by: {color.LC}{device.clientId} at {device.boundClientHostname}{color.END})'
    return line + color.END + autoUse

def main(argv):
    #### Parse the args
    opts = Opts(argv)
    #### Parse the state of the server
    clientstate = getClientState()
    vhlist = ['VirtualHere devices:']
    alldevices = []
    for i, (key, server) in enumerate(clientstate.__dict__.items()):
        devices = {k:v for k,v in server.__dict__.items() if 'device' in k}
        sorted_devices = {}
        for k,v in devices.items():
            v.nickname = v.product if not v.nickname else v.nickname
            sorted_devices[v.nickname] = v
        sorted_devices = sorted(sorted_devices.items())
        for j, (nickname, device) in enumerate(sorted_devices):
            vhlist.append(makeDeviceLine(nickname, device, server.connection.hostname, i, j, opts.showAddress))
    #### Do the action
    if opts.srvnum == '-x':
        IPCresp, exitcode = writeAndReadServer(opts.IPCcommand)
    if opts.srvnum != 'undefined':
        srvstr = 'server_{}'.format(opts.srvnum) if len(clientstate.__dict__) > 1 else 'server'
        thisdev = alldevices[opts.srvnum][opts.devnum][1]
        thisaddress = getattr(clientstate, srvstr)
        thisaddress = '{}.{}'.format(thisaddress.connection.hostname, thisdev.address)
        if opts.IPCcommand != 'nodevcommand':
            opts.IPCcommand = opts.IPCcommand.format(thisaddress)
            IPCresp, exitcode = writeAndReadServer(opts.IPCcommand)
            if 'FAILED' in IPCresp and '-u' in [o for o,a in opts.opts] and thisdev.state == '1':
                # If it fails to be "used", but is unused (state == 1), it's probably PW protected
                opts.rerunargs = argv
                if opts.rerunargs.count('-p') > 3:
                    opts.rerunargs = [e for e in opts.rerunargs if e in ['-A']]
                    print('Three incorrect passwords given, skipping.')
            elif 'OK' not in IPCresp:
                print(r'{}Warning: The command "{}" returned "{}".{}'.format(color.RE, opts.IPCcommand, IPCresp, color.END))
        vhlist.append('\nUsage: vhutil.py [-h -A -p -u <devnum> | -s <devnum> | -a <devnum> | -x <IPCcommand>]')
        vhlist.append('\tNo argument shows the list, -h shows help.')

if '__main__' == __name__:
    if isClientRunning():
        print('Please start a VH client')

Great! Thanks for posting that, it might be helpful for others...Ive put a link in the client_api page to this example


<p>Some text was interpreted as html. The string in lines 24 and 218 should be 'Usage: vhutil.py [-h -A -p -u <devnum> | -s <devnum> | -a <devnum> | -x <IPCcommand>]'</p>


Thanks, fixed now


Is there any documentation regarding the possible exitcode values, in case of failure, and their interpretations while using win32pipe.TransactNamedPipe()?


Virtualhere returns "FAILED" that literal string so thats what happens on failure.


hey, there is problem with script, if someone else from my local network has usb attached other than me, then i can't run script:

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "C:\Users\Kamil-C\PycharmProjects\python_skrypt_monitorowanie_google_drive\vhui_communication__.py", line 237, in <module>
 File "C:\Users\Kamil-C\PycharmProjects\python_skrypt_monitorowanie_google_drive\vhui_communication__.py", line 201, in main
   vhlist.append(makeDeviceLine(nickname, device, server.connection.hostname, i, j, opts.showAddress))
 File "C:\Users\Kamil-C\PycharmProjects\python_skrypt_monitorowanie_google_drive\vhui_communication__.py", line 180, in makeDeviceLine
   line = f'{line} {color.WH}(In use by: {color.LC}{device.clientId} at {device.boundClientHostname}{color.END})'
AttributeError: 'ClientStateElement' object has no attribute 'clientId'


Not true - clientId is always there.

If someone has the device in use then clientId will hold the username of the user who its in-use by. If its not in-use then clientId will be an empty string

You can verify by typing

vhui64.exe -t "GET CLIENT STATE" 

at the cmd.exe prompt 


Ok, i sorted it somehow.. 

I still dont know what "Auto use" function does in virtualhere client


I dont know python sorry.

Auto-Use should be self-explanatory,  It will auto-use a device if its not being used by someone else.

There are three modes: maybe this is where you are confused,

Auto-Use Device - will automatically use this device if its plugged into any port on the server

Auto-Use Port - will automatically use any device plugged into this port

Auto-Use Device/Port - will automatically use this device attached to this port.


Ok thank you, also one more question, how to run virtualhere client as a service(not visible to user) from code or from shortcut?


I know there is tutorial how to do that:
To install the Virtualhere USB client as a service in Windows or OSX

  1. Right click USB Hubs->Install Client as a Sevice(If the service is already installed, this option will be Uninstall Client Service instead)
  2. The client as a service will be installed.
  3. Start the client again and it will communicate with the running service in the background.
  4. You can exit the client and the client service will continue to run as normal in the background

    But i would like to do it automatically from script in python.

Ok thank you, also one more question, how to run virtualhere client as a service(not visible to user) from code or from shortcut?

I know there is tutorial how to do it manually:
To install the Virtualhere USB client as a service in Windows or OSX

  1. Right click USB Hubs->Install Client as a Sevice(If the service is already installed, this option will be Uninstall Client Service instead)
  2. The client as a service will be installed.
  3. Start the client again and it will communicate with the running service in the background.
  4. You can exit the client and the client service will continue to run as normal in the background

    But i would like to do it from python script

Use the -i argument to the binary e.g vhuit64.exe -i