Bluetooth dongle (Invalid configuration descriptor)

Hi. I am using SteamLink for android. My bluetooth dongle Orico 4.0 worked fine, but from today it stopped being detected in Windows 10 (has the latest updates). Error in device manager - Invalid configuration descriptor (code 43). I have completely reinstalled the server on android, and the client on windows. I also reset the drivers through -y. But nothing helps me. I am extremely upset because the program stopped working for no apparent reason.

Version 5.0.0

System messages:
2020-10-26 22:53:09 INFO :VirtualHere Client 5.0.0 starting (Compiled: Apr 8 2020 14:30:18)
2020-10-26 22:53:09 INFO :Client OS is Windows 10 (build 19042), 64-bit edition
2020-10-26 22:53:09 INFO :Using config at C:\Users\Vadim\AppData\Roaming\vhui.ini
2020-10-26 22:53:09 INFO :IPC available at \\.\pipe\vhclient
2020-10-26 22:53:10 INFO :Drivers are up-to-date
2020-10-26 22:53:10 INFO :Connected to the VirtualHere Client Driver (Version 2)

>>> [Device Install (DiShowUpdateDevice) - USB\VID_0000&PID_0006\2&3B7C36A2&0&1]
>>> Section start 2020/10/26 22:14:29.631
cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\system32\mmc.exe" C:\WINDOWS\system32\devmgmt.msc
dvi: {DIF_UPDATEDRIVER_UI} 22:14:29.632
dvi: Default installer: Enter 22:14:29.634
dvi: Default installer: Exit
dvi: {DIF_UPDATEDRIVER_UI - exit(0xe000020e)} 22:14:29.636
ndv: {Update Driver Software Wizard - USB\VID_0000&PID_0006\2&3B7C36A2&0&1}
! ndv: Searching Windows Update has been disabled for the Update Wizard.
! ndv: Policy has been set to prevent searching Windows Update for drivers.
ndv: {Update Driver Software Wizard exit(000004c7)}
<<< Section end 2020/10/26 22:14:31.706
<<< [Exit status: FAILURE(0x000004c7)]

>>> [Device Uninstall (Device Manager) - USB\VID_0000&PID_0006\2&3B7C36A2&0&1]
>>> Section start 2020/10/26 22:14:40.639
cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\system32\mmc.exe" C:\WINDOWS\system32\devmgmt.msc
dvi: {DIF_REMOVE} 22:14:40.641
dvi: Default installer: Enter 22:14:40.642
dvi: {Remove DEVICE}
dvi: {Delete Device - USB\VID_0000&PID_0006\2&3B7C36A2&0&1}
dvi: Query-and-Remove succeeded
dvi: {Delete Device - exit(0x00000000)}
dvi: {Remove DEVICE exit (0x00000000)}
dvi: Default installer: Exit
dvi: {DIF_REMOVE - exit(0x00000000)} 22:14:40.672
<<< Section end 2020/10/26 22:14:40.673
<<< [Exit status: SUCCESS]

>>> [SetupCopyOEMInf - C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10\vhusb3hc.inf]
>>> Section start 2020/10/26 22:27:43.736
cmd: C:\PROGRA~1\DIFX\342100~1\dpinsts.exe /u C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10\vhusb3hc.inf /q
inf: Copy style: 0x00000002
inf: Driver Store Path: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10\vhusb3hc.inf
inf: Published Inf Path: C:\WINDOWS\INF\oem13.inf
<<< Section end 2020/10/26 22:27:43.763
<<< [Exit status: SUCCESS]

>>> [SetupUninstallOEMInf - oem13.inf]
>>> Section start 2020/10/26 22:27:43.771
cmd: C:\PROGRA~1\DIFX\342100~1\dpinsts.exe /u C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10\vhusb3hc.inf /q
inf: Flags: 0x00000001
dvs: {DrvSetupUninstallDriver - C:\WINDOWS\INF\oem13.inf}
dvs: Flags: 0x10000001
dvs: {Driver Setup Delete Driver Package: oem13.inf} 22:27:43.808
! utl: INF INF 'oem13.inf' still in use by device 'ROOT\USB\0000'.
! utl: Primary INF 'oem13.inf' is still in use by devices.
! dvs: Forcing uninstall of INF 'oem13.inf' still in use by devices.
utl: Invalidated INF 'oem13.inf' on device 'ROOT\USB\0000'.
ump: Delete flags: 0x00010002
pol: {Driver package policy check} 22:27:43.948
pol: {Driver package policy check - exit(0x00000000)} 22:27:43.949
sto: {Unstage Driver Package: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10\vhusb3hc.inf} 22:27:43.951
sto: {Core Driver Package Delete: vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10} 22:27:43.953
sto: {DRIVERSTORE DELETE BEGIN} 22:27:43.954
sto: {DRIVERSTORE DELETE BEGIN: exit(0x00000000)} 22:27:43.957
sto: {Unconfigure Driver Package: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10\vhusb3hc.inf}
inf: Class GUID = {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}
inf: Class Options = Configurable BootCritical
inf: {Unconfigure Driver: VirtualHere USB 3 eXtensible Host Controller}
inf: Section Name = vhusb3hc_Device.NT
inf: {Add Service: vhusb3hc}
inf: AddReg: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\vhusb3hc\Parameters\Wdf\KmdfLibraryVersion
inf: Service 'vhusb3hc' remains with owner '!vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10'.
inf: Service 'vhusb3hc' still in use by 1 source.
inf: {Add Service: exit(0x00000000)}
inf: File 'C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\vhusb3hc.sys' remains with owner '!vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10'.
inf: File 'C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\vhusb3hc.sys' still in use by 1 source.
inf: {Unconfigure Driver: exit(0x00000000)}
flq: {FILE_QUEUE_COMMIT} 22:27:43.979
flq: {FILE_QUEUE_COMMIT - exit(0x00000000)} 22:27:43.980
sto: {Unconfigure Driver Package: exit(0x00000000)}
idb: {Unpublish Driver Package: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10\vhusb3hc.inf} 22:27:43.984
idb: Clearing active driver package 'vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10'.
cpy: Unpublished 'oem13.inf'.
idb: Deindexed 2 device IDs for 'vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10'.
sto: Flushed driver database node 'SYSTEM'. Time = 0 ms
idb: {Unpublish Driver Package: exit(0x00000000)} 22:27:43.996
idb: {Unregister Driver Package: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10\vhusb3hc.inf} 22:27:43.998
idb: Unregistered driver package 'vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10' from 'oem13.inf'.
idb: Deleted driver package object 'vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10' from SYSTEM database node.
idb: Deleted driver INF file object 'oem13.inf' from SYSTEM database node.
idb: {Unregister Driver Package: exit(0x00000000)} 22:27:44.003
cpy: {Delete Directory: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10} 22:27:44.005
cpy: {Delete Directory: exit(0x00000000)} 22:27:44.007
sto: {DRIVERSTORE DELETE END} 22:27:44.008
sig: Uninstalled catalog ''.
sto: {DRIVERSTORE DELETE END: exit(0x00000000)} 22:27:44.026
sto: {Core Driver Package Delete: exit(0x00000000)} 22:27:44.027
sto: {Unstage Driver Package: exit(0x00000000)} 22:27:44.028
dvs: {Driver Setup Delete Driver Package - exit (0x00000000)} 22:27:44.037
dvs: {DrvSetupUninstallDriver - exit(00000000)}
<<< Section end 2020/10/26 22:27:44.054
<<< [Exit status: SUCCESS]

>>> [Device Install (DiInstallDevice) - ROOT\USB\0000]
>>> Section start 2020/10/26 22:27:44.075
cmd: C:\PROGRA~1\DIFX\342100~1\dpinsts.exe /u C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10\vhusb3hc.inf /q
ndv: Flags: 0x00000000
ndv: Search options: 0x00000002
ndv: Searching default INF path
dvi: {Build Driver List} 22:27:44.101
dvi: Searching for hardware ID(s):
dvi: root\vhusb3hc
dvi: {Build Driver List - exit(0x00000000)} 22:27:44.225
dvi: Default installer: Enter 22:27:44.239
dvi: {Select Best Driver}
! dvi: Selecting driver failed(0xe0000228)
dvi: {Select Best Driver - exit(0xe0000228)}
! dvi: Default installer: failed
! dvi: Error 0xe0000228: There are no compatible drivers for this device.
dvi: {DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV - exit(0xe0000228)} 22:27:44.277
! ndv: Unable to select best compatible driver. Error = 0xe0000228
<<< Section end 2020/10/26 22:27:44.289
<<< [Exit status: FAILURE(0xe0000203)]

>>> [Device Install (DiInstallDevice) - ROOT\USB\0000]
>>> Section start 2020/10/26 22:27:44.295
cmd: C:\PROGRA~1\DIFX\342100~1\dpinsts.exe /u C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10\vhusb3hc.inf /q
ndv: Flags: 0x00000004
ump: {Plug and Play Service: Device Install for ROOT\USB\0000}
! dvi: Installing NULL driver!
dvi: {Core Device Install} 22:27:44.313
dvi: {Configure Device - ROOT\USB\0000} 22:27:44.316
dvi: Device Status: 0x0180200b
dvi: Config Flags: 0x00000000
dvi: Parent Device: HTREE\ROOT\0
dvi: Install Device: Configuring device. 22:27:44.320
dvi: Configuration: null
dvi: Install Device: Configuring device completed. 22:27:44.325
dvi: Device Status: 0x0180200b
dvi: Install Device: Removing device 'ROOT\USB\0000' and sub-tree. 22:27:44.327
dvi: Install Device: Removing device sub-tree completed. 22:27:44.342
dvi: Install Device: Restarting device. 22:27:44.343
dvi: Install Device: Restarting device completed. 22:27:44.348
! dvi: Device not started (unknown reason): Device has no problem.
dvi: {Configure Device - exit(0x00000000)} 22:27:44.349
dvi: {Core Device Install - exit(0x00000000)} 22:27:44.351
ump: {Plug and Play Service: Device Install exit(00000000)}
<<< Section end 2020/10/26 22:27:44.362
<<< [Exit status: SUCCESS]

>>> [Delete Device - ROOT\USB\0000]
>>> Section start 2020/10/26 22:27:44.393
cmd: vhui64.exe -y
dvi: Query-and-Remove succeeded
<<< Section end 2020/10/26 22:27:44.431
<<< [Exit status: SUCCESS]

>>> [Device Install (DiInstallDevice) - ROOT\USB\0000]
>>> Section start 2020/10/26 22:28:00.940
cmd: "C:\Users\Vadim\AppData\Local\Temp\vh6692\vhenum.exe" -3
ndv: Flags: 0x00000000
ndv: Search options: 0x00000002
ndv: Searching default INF path
dvi: {Build Driver List} 22:28:00.969
dvi: Searching for hardware ID(s):
dvi: root\vhusb3hc
dvi: {Build Driver List - exit(0x00000000)} 22:28:01.086
dvi: Default installer: Enter 22:28:01.100
dvi: {Select Best Driver}
! dvi: Selecting driver failed(0xe0000228)
dvi: {Select Best Driver - exit(0xe0000228)}
! dvi: Default installer: failed
! dvi: Error 0xe0000228: There are no compatible drivers for this device.
dvi: {DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV - exit(0xe0000228)} 22:28:01.141
! ndv: Unable to select best compatible driver. Error = 0xe0000228
<<< Section end 2020/10/26 22:28:01.153
<<< [Exit status: FAILURE(0xe0000203)]

>>> [Delete Device - ROOT\USB\0000]
>>> Section start 2020/10/26 22:28:13.649
cmd: vhui64.exe -y
dvi: Query-and-Remove succeeded
<<< Section end 2020/10/26 22:28:13.677
<<< [Exit status: SUCCESS]

>>> [Device Install (DiInstallDevice) - ROOT\USB\0000]
>>> Section start 2020/10/26 22:29:30.269
cmd: "C:\Users\Vadim\AppData\Local\Temp\vh21735\vhenum.exe" -3
ndv: Flags: 0x00000000
ndv: Search options: 0x00000002
ndv: Searching default INF path
dvi: {Build Driver List} 22:29:30.302
dvi: Searching for hardware ID(s):
dvi: root\vhusb3hc
dvi: {Build Driver List - exit(0x00000000)} 22:29:30.493
dvi: Default installer: Enter 22:29:30.513
dvi: {Select Best Driver}
! dvi: Selecting driver failed(0xe0000228)
dvi: {Select Best Driver - exit(0xe0000228)}
! dvi: Default installer: failed
! dvi: Error 0xe0000228: There are no compatible drivers for this device.
dvi: {DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV - exit(0xe0000228)} 22:29:30.565
! ndv: Unable to select best compatible driver. Error = 0xe0000228
<<< Section end 2020/10/26 22:29:30.582
<<< [Exit status: FAILURE(0xe0000203)]

>>> [Delete Device - ROOT\USB\0000]
>>> Section start 2020/10/26 22:29:59.772
cmd: vhui64.exe -y
dvi: Query-and-Remove succeeded
<<< Section end 2020/10/26 22:29:59.802
<<< [Exit status: SUCCESS]

[Boot Session: 2020/10/26 22:32:44.500]

>>> [Setup Import Driver Package - c:\users\vadim\appdata\local\temp\ixp001.tmp\vhusb3hc.inf]
>>> Section start 2020/10/26 22:40:17.439
cmd: C:\Users\Vadim\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP001.TMP\dpinsts.exe
inf: Provider: VirtualHere Pty. Ltd.
inf: Class GUID: {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}
inf: Driver Version: 11/16/2018,
inf: Catalog File:
sto: {Copy Driver Package: c:\users\vadim\appdata\local\temp\ixp001.tmp\vhusb3hc.inf} 22:40:17.473
sto: Driver Package = c:\users\vadim\appdata\local\temp\ixp001.tmp\vhusb3hc.inf
sto: Flags = 0x00000007
sto: Destination = C:\Users\Vadim\AppData\Local\Temp\{b91b922d-2629-7343-9515-2a44982107a2}
sto: Copying driver package files to 'C:\Users\Vadim\AppData\Local\Temp\{b91b922d-2629-7343-9515-2a44982107a2}'.
flq: {FILE_QUEUE_COMMIT} 22:40:17.509
flq: Copying 'c:\users\vadim\appdata\local\temp\ixp001.tmp\' to 'C:\Users\Vadim\AppData\Local\Temp\{b91b922d-2629-7343-9515-2a44982107a2}\'.
flq: Copying 'c:\users\vadim\appdata\local\temp\ixp001.tmp\vhusb3hc.inf' to 'C:\Users\Vadim\AppData\Local\Temp\{b91b922d-2629-7343-9515-2a44982107a2}\vhusb3hc.inf'.
flq: Copying 'c:\users\vadim\appdata\local\temp\ixp001.tmp\vhusb3hc.sys' to 'C:\Users\Vadim\AppData\Local\Temp\{b91b922d-2629-7343-9515-2a44982107a2}\vhusb3hc.sys'.
flq: {FILE_QUEUE_COMMIT - exit(0x00000000)} 22:40:17.574
sto: {Copy Driver Package: exit(0x00000000)} 22:40:17.581
ump: Import flags: 0x00000000
pol: {Driver package policy check} 22:40:17.632
pol: {Driver package policy check - exit(0x00000000)} 22:40:17.633
sto: {Stage Driver Package: C:\Users\Vadim\AppData\Local\Temp\{b91b922d-2629-7343-9515-2a44982107a2}\vhusb3hc.inf} 22:40:17.634
inf: {Query Configurability: C:\Users\Vadim\AppData\Local\Temp\{b91b922d-2629-7343-9515-2a44982107a2}\vhusb3hc.inf} 22:40:17.638
inf: Driver package uses WDF.
inf: Driver package 'vhusb3hc.inf' is configurable.
inf: {Query Configurability: exit(0x00000000)} 22:40:17.643
flq: {FILE_QUEUE_COMMIT} 22:40:17.644
flq: Copying 'C:\Users\Vadim\AppData\Local\Temp\{b91b922d-2629-7343-9515-2a44982107a2}\' to 'C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\Temp\{e9a41710-e61c-424d-8fc1-839295647960}\'.
flq: Copying 'C:\Users\Vadim\AppData\Local\Temp\{b91b922d-2629-7343-9515-2a44982107a2}\vhusb3hc.inf' to 'C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\Temp\{e9a41710-e61c-424d-8fc1-839295647960}\vhusb3hc.inf'.
flq: Copying 'C:\Users\Vadim\AppData\Local\Temp\{b91b922d-2629-7343-9515-2a44982107a2}\vhusb3hc.sys' to 'C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\Temp\{e9a41710-e61c-424d-8fc1-839295647960}\vhusb3hc.sys'.
flq: {FILE_QUEUE_COMMIT - exit(0x00000000)} 22:40:17.681
sig: Driver package catalog is valid.
sig: {_VERIFY_FILE_SIGNATURE} 22:40:17.713
sig: Key = vhusb3hc.inf
sig: FilePath = C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\Temp\{e9a41710-e61c-424d-8fc1-839295647960}\vhusb3hc.inf
sig: Catalog = C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\Temp\{e9a41710-e61c-424d-8fc1-839295647960}\
sig: Success: File is signed in catalog.
sig: {_VERIFY_FILE_SIGNATURE exit(0x00000000)} 22:40:17.722
sto: {DRIVERSTORE IMPORT VALIDATE: exit(0x00000000)} 22:40:17.726
sig: Signer Score = 0x0D000005 (WHQL)
sig: Signer Name = Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
sig: Submission ID = 45841240_14036146773110210_1152921504627858619
sto: {Core Driver Package Import: vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10} 22:40:17.730
sto: {DRIVERSTORE IMPORT BEGIN} 22:40:17.731
sto: {DRIVERSTORE IMPORT BEGIN: exit(0x00000000)} 22:40:17.731
cpy: {Copy Directory: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\Temp\{e9a41710-e61c-424d-8fc1-839295647960}} 22:40:17.732
cpy: Target Path = C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10
cpy: {Copy Directory: exit(0x00000000)} 22:40:17.736
idb: {Register Driver Package: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10\vhusb3hc.inf} 22:40:17.737
idb: Created driver package object 'vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10' in SYSTEM database node.
idb: Created driver INF file object 'oem13.inf' in SYSTEM database node.
idb: Registered driver package 'vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10' with 'oem13.inf'.
idb: {Register Driver Package: exit(0x00000000)} 22:40:17.742
idb: {Publish Driver Package: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10\vhusb3hc.inf} 22:40:17.742
idb: Activating driver package 'vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10'.
cpy: Published 'vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10\vhusb3hc.inf' to 'oem13.inf'.
idb: Indexed 2 device IDs for 'vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10'.
sto: Flushed driver database node 'SYSTEM'. Time = 0 ms
idb: {Publish Driver Package: exit(0x00000000)} 22:40:17.755
sto: {DRIVERSTORE IMPORT END} 22:40:17.757
dvi: Flushed all driver package files to disk. Time = 0 ms
sig: Installed catalog '' as ''.
sto: {DRIVERSTORE IMPORT END: exit(0x00000000)} 22:40:17.857
sto: {Core Driver Package Import: exit(0x00000000)} 22:40:17.857
sto: {Stage Driver Package: exit(0x00000000)} 22:40:17.859
<<< Section end 2020/10/26 22:40:17.924
<<< [Exit status: SUCCESS]

>>> [SetupCopyOEMInf - C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10\vhusb3hc.inf]
>>> Section start 2020/10/26 22:40:17.931
cmd: C:\Users\Vadim\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP001.TMP\dpinsts.exe
inf: Copy style: 0x00040000
inf: Driver Store Path: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10\vhusb3hc.inf
inf: Published Inf Path: C:\WINDOWS\INF\oem13.inf
sig: Installing catalog as: oem13.CAT
<<< Section end 2020/10/26 22:40:17.976
<<< [Exit status: SUCCESS]

>>> [Device Install (DiInstallDevice) - ROOT\USB\0000]
>>> Section start 2020/10/26 22:40:23.057
cmd: "C:\Users\Vadim\AppData\Local\Temp\vh12580\vhenum.exe" -3
ndv: Flags: 0x00000000
ndv: Search options: 0x00000002
ndv: Searching default INF path
dvi: {Build Driver List} 22:40:23.089
dvi: Searching for hardware ID(s):
dvi: root\vhusb3hc
dvi: Created Driver Node:
dvi: HardwareID - ROOT\VHUSB3HC
dvi: InfName - C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10\vhusb3hc.inf
dvi: DevDesc - VirtualHere USB 3 eXtensible Host Controller
dvi: Section - vhusb3hc_Device.NT
dvi: Rank - 0x00ff0000
dvi: Signer Score - WHQL
dvi: DrvDate - 11/16/2018
dvi: Version -
dvi: {Build Driver List - exit(0x00000000)} 22:40:23.335
dvi: Default installer: Enter 22:40:23.348
dvi: {Select Best Driver}
dvi: Class GUID of device changed to: {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}.
dvi: Selected Driver:
dvi: Description - VirtualHere USB 3 eXtensible Host Controller
dvi: InfFile - c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10\vhusb3hc.inf
dvi: Section - vhusb3hc_Device
dvi: {Select Best Driver - exit(0x00000000)}
dvi: Default installer: Exit
dvi: {DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV - exit(0x00000000)} 22:40:23.405
ndv: Driver package 'C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10\vhusb3hc.inf' is already imported.
sto: {Setup Import Driver Package: C:\WINDOWS\INF\oem13.inf} 22:40:23.419
sto: Driver package already imported as 'oem13.inf'.
sto: {Setup Import Driver Package - exit (0x00000000)} 22:40:23.433
dvi: Searching for hardware ID(s):
dvi: root\vhusb3hc
dvi: Class GUID of device changed to: {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}.
ump: {Plug and Play Service: Device Install for ROOT\USB\0000}
dvi: {Core Device Install} 22:40:23.475
dvi: {Configure Device - ROOT\USB\0000} 22:40:23.477
dvi: Device Status: 0x01802001
dvi: Parent Device: HTREE\ROOT\0
sto: {Configure Driver Package: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10\vhusb3hc.inf}
sto: Source Filter = root\vhusb3hc
inf: Class GUID = {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}
inf: Class Options = Configurable BootCritical
inf: {Configure Driver: VirtualHere USB 3 eXtensible Host Controller}
inf: Section Name = vhusb3hc_Device.NT
inf: {Add Service: vhusb3hc}
inf: Start Type = 3
inf: Service Type = 1
inf: Error Control = 1
inf: Image Path = \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\vhusb3hc.sys
inf: Display Name = vhusb3hc Service
inf: Updated service 'vhusb3hc'.
inf: {Add Service: exit(0x00000000)}
inf: Hardware Id = ROOT\VHUSB3HC
inf: {Configure Driver Configuration: vhusb3hc_Device.NT}
inf: Service Name = vhusb3hc
inf: Config Flags = 0x00000000
inf: {Configure Driver Configuration: exit(0x00000000)}
inf: {Configure Driver: exit(0x00000000)}
flq: {FILE_QUEUE_COMMIT} 22:40:23.502
flq: Copying 'C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\vhusb3hc.inf_amd64_125136687f6f7d10\vhusb3hc.sys' to 'C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\vhusb3hc.sys'.
cpy: Existing file 'C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\vhusb3hc.sys' remains unchanged.
flq: {FILE_QUEUE_COMMIT - exit(0x00000000)} 22:40:23.516
sto: {Configure Driver Package: exit(0x00000000)}
dvi: Install Device: Configuring device. 22:40:23.518
dvi: Configuration: oem13.inf:root\vhusb3hc,vhusb3hc_Device
dvi: Install Device: Configuring device completed. 22:40:23.522
dvi: Device Status: 0x01802001
dvi: Install Device: Starting device 'ROOT\USB\0000'. 22:40:23.524
dvi: Install Device: Starting device completed. 22:40:23.664
dvi: {Configure Device - exit(0x00000000)} 22:40:23.665
dvi: {Core Device Install - exit(0x00000000)} 22:40:23.667
ump: {Plug and Play Service: Device Install exit(00000000)}
<<< Section end 2020/10/26 22:40:23.676
<<< [Exit status: SUCCESS]

>>> [Device Install (DiShowUpdateDevice) - USB\VID_0000&PID_0006\2&22E30EF8&0&1]
>>> Section start 2020/10/26 22:56:00.294
cmd: "C:\WINDOWS\system32\mmc.exe" C:\WINDOWS\system32\devmgmt.msc
dvi: {DIF_UPDATEDRIVER_UI} 22:56:00.294
dvi: Default installer: Enter 22:56:00.296
dvi: Default installer: Exit
dvi: {DIF_UPDATEDRIVER_UI - exit(0xe000020e)} 22:56:00.298
ndv: {Update Driver Software Wizard - USB\VID_0000&PID_0006\2&22E30EF8&0&1}
! ndv: Searching Windows Update has been disabled for the Update Wizard.
! ndv: Policy has been set to prevent searching Windows Update for drivers.
dvi: {DIF_SELECTDEVICE} 22:56:05.406
dvi: {DIF_SELECTDEVICE - exit(0xe000020e)} 22:56:05.407
ndv: {Update Driver Software Wizard exit(000004c7)}
<<< Section end 2020/10/26 22:56:12.425
<<< [Exit status: FAILURE(0x000004c7)]


Moreover, if I connect the bluetooth dongle to the computer, it is successfully installed in Windows.


Sorry for the inconvenience, i think i know the issue. I'm having to work around a few android bugs for microphones and it might have introduced a bug for the bluetooth. But its an easy fix so i will work on this now...


OK i pushed a fix to playstore Build 1042 (4.2.2) you should get the update in the next hour or so. Could you tell me if that fixes your bluetooth issue or not. Thanks


I have updated the android server version to 1042. But unfortunately this did not solve the problem. I also removed the device from the manager and reconnected - to no avail.


OK in the virtualhere client, can you right click on the bluetooth dongle and select Properties tell me the "Product" "vendor" "vendor id" "product id"




Yes, now it works as before.


OK thanks, ill push to the playstore


Hi Michael,

Can you share the information how you fixed the issue with "Service 'vhusb3hc' still in use by 1 source"? I have a similar problem in my product and still can't find a solution.


"Service 'vhusb3hc' still in use by 1 source" . That is not an error message, that is expected