virtual here in background on startup


Great program here...I'm very interested in using this in our workplace. Before we buy our licenses, I'm testing using virtualhere on our Raspberry Pi Thin Clients. We use our Raspberry Pi's to rdestkop into our Virtual Workstations (running on Proxmox). Our Pi's have Raspbian on them that use LXDE. So in my /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart file I have an instruction to rdesktop into the workstation the Pi is assigned to use. I'd like to have the virtualhere server autostart on each Pi silently. I can see the instruction from your website to issue the sudo ./vhusbdpi -b instruction to start virtualhere in the background (no gui). I've tried adding this instruction to my autostart file but it doesn't start virtualhere.

Please advise how I would autostart virtualhere on each of our Pi's. Please also advise if it's a good idea to use our Thin Client Pi's as also a virtualhere hub for our USB connected devices. Do you think running virtualhere and rdesktop on each Pi would be too slow or not a good idea?

Thank you in advance for any adivice you can provide.


I have updated the Raspberry Pi FAQ specifying exactly how to start virtualhere on boot. Please see

Regarding the processing abilities, it should be ok but overclock your pi to 950Mhz using

sudo raspi-config -> overclock -> 950Mhz then reboot

Thanks very much for updating the FAQ on how to auto-start VirtualHere. I'm getting back around to testing this application on my Raspberry Pi.

I've followed your instructions but when I checked the status of the vhusbdpi I didn't see it running on reboot. So I issued a sudo etc/init.d/vhusbdpi restart and I was presented with the following error:
start-stop-daemon: unable to start /usr/sbin/vhusbdpi (No such file or directory)

I look in /usr/sbin/ and I can see vhusbdpi. I made sure I did the chmod on this file. Any ideas why it isn't working for me.

I'm using Debian Wheezy (Raspberry Pi Thin Client Project) to run VirtualHere.



Ok, I figured out my mistake. I had thought I had used the Hard Float, but it seems with this Raspberry Pi system on the Soft Float works. I've now downloaded the Soft Float OEM For Raspberry Pi (Wheezy) and updated your script to point to the soft float file. It now starts without issue.

Will I see a performance penalty when using Soft Float? I've heard it's better to use Hard Float for performance.

Thank you.


Virtualhere doesnt use much floating point so there should be very little performance difference.


Thanks for the reply. Good to know that using the soft float will not hurt performance too much.

Thank you.