Crash system virtualhere

HI! After update my a system ubuntu from 16.04 to 20.04 I seen what a daemon virtualhere have a status "failed". I use the command "systemctl restart virtualhere" and after I seen what a daemon have a status "active (running)". After some time daemon crash again.

Operation system: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Version virtualhere server: VirtualHere_4.0.0

Can you help me? I want the program to run constantly.


Yes obviously it should run continueously. First thing is to update to the latest server by downloading the new binary from this website and running that.


How I can update this programm without invalid license?


You can put in the same license key as before


I try it


>First thing is to update to the latest server by downloading the new binary from this website and running that.
I did it

>You can put in the same license key as before
and it too

I hope there will be no problems
